Uroczystość wręczenia srebrnej odznaki „Zasłużony dla Województwa Dolnośląskiego”-

On March 3, 2025, the Sejmik of the Donoslez Voivodeship will host the ceremony of awarding the silver badge "For Services to the Lower Silesian Voivodeship".
Collective exhibition of the Milic Alley of Arts group at the Cultural Center

The collective exhibition of the Alley of Arts group will be held in Milich in the Cultural Center-Staraya Slaughterhouse on 1B Shevskaya Street on February 22, 2025 at 18.00 Admission is free.
Wrocławski Artysta Lokalny

I would like to present my latest acrylic painting on canvas”Wrocław Sand bridge". The image size is 80x80cm. I draw the trams of Wroclaw and the architecture of the city.
„Wrocławskie tramwaje” akryl na płótnie 80x80cm

My last painting from the cycle "trams of Wroclaw" acrylic on canvas 80x80cm. Night cycle.